Madelaine Claire Weiss

 Board Certified Executive-Career-Life Coach

 Licensed Psychotherapist, Speaker, Author, Trainer



Private Practice Washington, DC  (Cambridge, MA, Acton, MA)  
Individual and Organizational Effectiveness: Decision-Making, Stress Reduction, Conflict and Change, Mindfulness, Time and Energy Management. Personal and Professional Development Expert. Training program design and delivery for medical, legal, and other settings. Trained Mediator. Board Certified Executive, Career, Life Coach. Licensed Psychotherapist. Published Author and Speaker.
Associate Director, Anatomical Gift Program Harvard Medical School
Chief Organizational Development Officer InterNational Risk Management, Boston, MA
Individual and Organizational Development Consultant Acton, MA
Administrative Director/Treasurer Acton Mental Health Associates, Inc., Acton, MA
Psychotherapist CMHS, Acton, MA and NCPA, Fitchburg, MA
Clinical Social Worker Emerson Hospital, Concord, MA
Laboratory Technician/Research Assistant USDA Bio Control Lab, Drexel University BioEngineering Lab, Abington Memorial Clinical Chemistry Lab


Boston University Graduate School of Management
Master of Business Administration with High Honors
Simmons College School of Social Work
Master of Social Work
Harvard University Clinical Internships
Harvard University Mental Health Services, Beth Israel Hospital
University of Massachusetts
Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude with Honors in Psychology
University of Pennsylvania, Graduate Hospital
Certification in Medical Laboratory Technology


Coaching, Erickson Coaching International, Vancouver; Institute of Coaching, Harvard Medical School; Ben J. Dean, PhD, MentorCoach LLC
Mediation, in accordance with M.G.L. ch.233 § 23C, 40 hours prescribed for certification, National Center for Dispute Settlement, & 40 hours Basic, 25 hours Advanced Divorce, MWI, Boston
Creating Connections,  National Marriage Seminars
Negotiation and Dispute Resolution, Harvard Law School
Clinical Bioethics, Harvard Medical School
The Role of Mindful Learning in the Development of Professionalism, Harvard Medical School
Understanding the Brain: From Neuroscience to Clinical Practice, Harvard Medical School
Shared Subjectives in Brain, Mind, Psychopathology, Tavistock Clinic, Cambridge Health Alliance
Neuroanatomical Dissection, Marquette University
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Mind-Body Medicine, Jon Kabat Zinn, PhD
Mind/Body Medicine, Herbert Benson, MD
Meditation and Psychotherapy, Harvard Medical School