Mastering Your MIND

Power Breathing
Diaphragmatic Breathing fills the belly with air just below the diaphragm (instead of the upper chest) when inhaling. We call it Power Breathing here for all its stress reducing, health inducing benefits for the breather.
In our modern world and way of living, cognitive processes – such as attention, memory, planning, reasoning, problem solving – are essential to our well-being and success.
‘Stressed out’ breathing throws the breather into fight or flight mode. In this state, the higher brain functions are secondary to more primitive, lower brain, fight or flight processes. Power Breathing is an especially good reset to bring clear, calm higher brain functioning back online for better work, play, love, and life.
To Practice:
- You may close your eyes or simply gaze downward.
- Now begin to breathe. Long, slow, luxurious breaths.
- In through the nose. Out through the nose.
- Belly out on the in-breath. Belly in on the out-breath.
- Practice a minimum of 3 Power Breaths each time, working up to several times a day, until it becomes easy, natural, and at your disposal anywhere, anytime – to calm you and put your higher brain in charge.

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Printable Version of Power Breathe
By providing your email address, you will receive a complimentary printable version of the power breathing technique and posts from Madelaine for your satisfaction and success in work and life!”