

This is how my client, Frank, looked 2 sessions ago at 4:45 in the afternoon. He was clearly trying to pat it down so I figured it was okay to say something.

“Is that your bedhead,” I asked. And he laughed. Next question: “Okay, so what if we worked out a daily routine for working from home. How would that be for you?” Frank said he thought that might be a good idea and, for both his morale and productivity, turned out it was.

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, a trauma expert, thinks that reinstating routine is a pretty good idea too. He lists unpredictability as his first precondition for trauma. By precondition for trauma, I’m presuming he means that, if we get out in front of the traumatic response, we can mitigate if not prevent it. Sometimes broken bones heal stronger with the right kind of support.

So he recommends creating schedules, filled with activities and connections we would look forward to, or at least feel good that we accomplished, even if it filled us with dread.

For example, Linda hates to sort the mail, so it piles up on the kitchen counter and makes her feel bad. Linda made a deal with herself that, now that she is home with no excuse and has to look at it and feel bad all day long, she will routinely have the mail sorted every day before 11am. Now Linda feels better for the rest of day every day. Just like that.

Not too much, not too little, but just enough to bring some order into the present chaos of our lives. With this will come a sense of agency, the feeling that what we do makes a difference, empowering us to do even more.

There are housebound people who are still getting up and getting dressed in their work clothes every day. Maybe you don’t want to go that far. I’m not. In between client video sessions, I’m alternating between 2 different pairs of black tights myself, and saving the 3rd for special, like Balcony Happy Hour. Gives me a reason to do the laundry. The laundry reminds me of the good ole days, and makes everything all clean again, so I like laundry a lot.

Some people are better than others at self-discipline in a vacuum. So if you happen to be one of the people currently into doing whatever you want whenever you want, or nothing at all, just because you can—try bringing some routine back into your life.

As much or as little as you think might do you good—not too much not too little, just right for you—try something and see what happens. Practice, practice, practice, and let me know in comments below.