
Functional Stupidity: Really? Really.

“Functional stupidity in the workplace is best described as when smart people are discouraged to think and reflect at work. The ramifications can ultimately be catastrophic, leading to organisational collapse, financial meltdown and technical disaster….However,...

What’s New? MRM (Mind Reading Motivation)

MRM is the tendency to engage with the mental states and perspectives of others. But it’s much more than just a means of passing idle time. Being high in MRM leads to many social benefits, including better teamwork… * Mind Reading (called Theory of Mind)...

You Can’t Make Me…But Free Will Can

Remove the perception of choice and you’re in fact more likely to recoil from cooperation and go a different direction altogether*. Who doesn’t know this? Who doesn’t use it? Many of us. Much of the time. Except my mother, who said about my father: “I always made him...