Workplace Incivility: Contagious and Costly

People who are recipients of incivility at work feel mentally fatigued as a result, because uncivil behaviors are somewhat ambiguous and require employees to figure out whether there was any abusive intent….This mental fatigue, in turn, led them to act uncivil toward...

Food Friending in Work and Love

“How do you build rapport with a new employer or someone on a first date? It turns out that there may be a simple strategy that’s often overlooked: eat the same food as your companion.”* Who among us hasn’t heard that food is love and eating together is good for...

Attraction in Love and Work? Try magnets.

“ ‘Like a river flows    Surely to the sea    Darling, so it goes    Some things were meant to be.’  - Elvis Presley, Can’t Help Falling In Love ….The love Elvis sings about is an overwhelming force, motivating him to defy the counsel of ‘wise men’ and ‘rush in’....

Functional Stupidity: Really? Really.

“Functional stupidity in the workplace is best described as when smart people are discouraged to think and reflect at work. The ramifications can ultimately be catastrophic, leading to organisational collapse, financial meltdown and technical disaster….However,...

Why Be NICE??

A 2012 UC Berkeley field study… found that people driving BMWs, Mercedes, Priuses and other high-end cars were four times more likely than drivers of less prestigious models to cut off other vehicles at a busy four-way intersection, and three times more likely to cut...

That’s Not Fair!! Your Voice & Your Health

The finding suggests that fairness at work is a crucial aspect of the psychosocial work environment and that changes towards greater fairness can improve employees’ health*. But what is “Fairness”? Turns out, from this study anyway, that fairness is more about...