March is Optimism Month, Spiritual Wellness Month, and March 20 is International Day of Happiness. But now more than ever, changes and challenges (e.g., isolation, job loss, school closings…) are making wellness and happiness hard.

– YOUNG ADULTS: 56% of 18-24 year-olds report symptoms of anxiety/depression.

– PARENTS: 70% of parents report current family responsibilities a significant source of stress.

– COUPLES: 34% rise in divorce filings in summer 2020 compared with summer 2019.

This weekend alone, I listened to 2 heartbreaking disclosures about the suffering of people I know and love. So many other people I know have been able to turn the 2020 lemons into lemonade, and I am so inspired and happy for them that it is an important reminder for me that not everyone has had it that good.

I wish there was more that I could do where it is clear that I cannot. But I do have this, the tool I talk about all the time, because I do believe it really can take the edge off for just about Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime.

So here it is, one powerfully soothing and clarifying mindset reset tool from Getting to G.R.E.A.T. 5-Step Strategy for Work and LIfe…Based on Science and Stories.
Power Breathing

In our modern world and way of living, cognitive processes—such as attention, memory, planning, reasoning, problem-solving—are essential to our well-being and success. “Stressed-out” breathing throws the breather into fight-or-flight-or freeze mode. In this state, the higher brain functions are secondary to more primitive, lower brain processes.
Power breathing, which fills the belly instead of the chest with air, is an especially good reset to bring clear, calm higher brain functioning back online for better work, play, love, and life.
To Practice:

– You may close your eyes or simply gaze downward.

– Now, begin to breathe. Long, slow, luxurious breaths.

– In through the nose. Out through the nose.

– Belly out on the in-breath. Belly in on the out- breathe.

Practice a minimum of three power breaths each time, working up to several times a day, until it becomes easy, natural, and at your disposal anywhere, anytime—to calm you and put your higher brain in charge. And please don’t hesitate to be in touch with any comments or questions you may have at


Photo by Külli Kittus on Unsplash