New Offerings

Humans make decisions all day long. Some big. Some small. Some more life shaping than others. Some more or less hard.

And then there are all the many myths and misunderstandings about decision making, rendering decision making that much harder, and riskier too.

But even a great decision is not worth a whole lot if there is not enough commitment to it. And, even one’s own commitment is not enough when there are other people involved, which is almost always the case.

So here we are in trying times and, yet, people still have to make all kinds of decisions, many of which they never even had to make before…about work, childcare, care of other family members perhaps—all the while wondering if that’s all there is. Really. Can we ever have any fun? For many, it is hard to even concentrate enough to read a book.

It is said that the Talmud states: “Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief…You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”

I take this to mean that, while no one of us can fix all the world’s problems, we must all do something.

We will get to some ways we can all do ourselves and others a little good in trying times but, first, I want you to know one of the things I’ve been up to for my part.

And that is, new offerings on LearnDesk to help busy people who want to bring it their best, and some of the offerings are free. Go here and scroll down to find the following:

  1. Getting to G.R.E.A.T. in Work and Life
  2. Managing Your MIND for Better Work, Play, Love, and Life
  3. Amazon Bestselling Getting to G.R.E.A.T.: 5-Step Strategy for Work and Life (Introduction and Chapter One)
  4. Life Satisfaction Matrix
  5. Working with Madelaine: An Invitation and Overview
  6. Optimizing Decision Making for Peak Performance in Work and Life
  7. Mindfulness-Based Goal Commitment for Work, Play, Love, Life
  8. Navigating People: Theory and Practice, Practice, Practice…
  9. Decide, Commit, Navigate…To Make Your Goals Come True in Work and Life.

Now, for what else we can do to help each other and ourselves, let’s look first at something people are calling Vicarious Trauma.

What is Vicarious Trauma?

One study found that 1/6 of Americans started therapy for the first time related to the pandemic. That, on top of climate threats and events, rising violence and homelessness in the streets, and now the war in Ukraine.

And, I began to think that people are feeling this more than we may know. I noticed that some of my clients who are not typically teary, were teary this past week, and that some who wrestle with their anger were having a harder time than usual keeping it constructive.

Maybe it’s just that I’m thinking it, so I’m seeing it, I asked myself. But then, lo and behold, Pentagon spokesperson, John Kirby, was so overcome himself with emotion, I thought, okay, this is real.

So, what is it? Bryan Robinson, Ph.D., describes it in Forbes:

Vicarious trauma or vicarious terror is a condition resulting from the bombardment of the central nervous system transmitted through observation, instead of direct personal contact, in this case from the media. People who observe violent acts often show the same symptoms of individuals who are direct targets of terror. The massive shock to the nervous system can create a sense of disintegration and fragmentation, coupled with intense emotions such as crying, shallow breathing or lashing out. Other aftereffects are often difficulty sleeping, heightened anxiety, sensitivity to loud noises or dissociation—an emotional and physical numbing state in which you feel separated, isolated or disconnected from yourself and others.

They haven’t yet quantified how many are suffering from Vicarious Trauma but, even if you are not, it might still be good to come up with offerings of your own to help mitigate the effects of all the threat and trauma in our world.

What Can We Do?

The Forbes article’s offerings included a variety of tips and techniques for individuals and organizations, largely about compassion and self-care, including and especially watching less news. My favorite was this one though:

5.Take some kind of action. Studies on post traumatic stress disorder show when potential victims are able to take some kind of action to have a direct influence on their experience of the trauma, their symptoms are either reduced or nullified. Show your support through donating financial aid, participating in a discussion group or joining street demonstrations.

I’m a big fan of action, and love the idea that it matters less what we each do, exactly, as long as we each know that we are doing something and, whatever that is, is up to you!

Hope you will take a look at my LearnDesk offerings, and be in touch with any questions you may have, or to set up your Complimentary Strategy Session to discuss possible best ways forward for you.

Warm wishes,
