What if fear, instead of being your enemy—or your protector at best—could be your Energizer Battery this January?

January can feel like a weird in-between time. The holiday buzz has faded, maybe the weather is dreary, and many people are left staring at the daunting resolutions they’ve written down—or worse, completely avoided. It’s the perfect recipe for the January blahs.

But what if you gave yourself the gift of fear this year instead of trying to power through with useless resolutions? Yes, fear. The kind that transports you out of your comfort zone. The kind that makes your heart race and reminds you that you’re alive.

What’s So Good About Fear?

Fear is not your enemy—it’s your magic carpet. Sure, it protects you from danger. But it also shows up when you’re on the edge of growth, signaling that you’re being transported into new and uncharted territory. While our instincts often tell us to retreat, the magic lies in doing the opposite: leaning in.

Facing challenges head-on rewires your brain to see fear more as an invitation than a stop sign. The result? Confidence, resilience, and a renewed sense of excitement. Even small acts of courage—speaking up in a meeting, trying something new, or reaching out to someone—can spark this transformation.

Magic Carpet. Energizer Battery. Or, some other way to think about it that works best for you. Studies show that facing fears directly has benefits:

  1. Keeps you safe.
  2. Helps you lose weight.
  3. Temporarily boosts immune system.
  4. Feeling fear—in the right dose—is fun and exciting.
  5. Gives you a natural high and a sense of empowerment.
  6. Helps you manage stress and relaxes you.
  7. Helps you stay in the present moment and to focus.
  8. Socializes you and bonds you to other people.
  9. Allows you to live life to the fullest.
  10. Gives you clarity on what’s really important in life.
The Problem with January Resolutions

Every January, we’re inundated with messages about resolutions: “New Year, New You!”

Okay, maybe that was harsh. And while setting goals can be helpful, resolutions often come with an all-or-nothing mindset. Miss one gym session or indulge in one dessert, and suddenly, you feel like a failure.

Here’s a surprising statistic: only 8% of people successfully stick to their New Year’s resolutions. That means 92% of us are left feeling frustrated and defeated by February. Instead of striving for perfection, what if you focused on curiosity and growth instead?

This year, trade in resolutions for a practice that’s kinder, more flexible, and far more energizing: doing one scary thing every day.

The Gift of Fear: A Newer Approach

Here’s how it works: each day, identify one action that makes your heart race a little. It doesn’t have to be monumental—just enough to challenge you. Whether it’s tackling a difficult conversation, signing up for a class you’ve been avoiding, or even exploring a new hiking trail, the key is to stretch yourself in small, manageable ways.

When you do this consistently, something amazing happens. You start to break free from monotony, discover new parts of yourself, and feel truly alive.

Before diving into something scary, remember that it’s okay to take a little time—for the ready and set—in ready, set, go. Not a lot of time. Not forever time. But an amount of time you designate to ready and set yourself for the leap.

And then just do it. Leap!

Practical Tip: Start with a “Fear List”

For this practice, try creating a Fear List. Write down five small, slightly intimidating actions you’ve been avoiding. Rank them from least to most scary. Start with the smallest one, and commit to tackling it at a certain time, on a certain day. Not when you feel like it. Rather, at a time you designate whether you feel like it or not.

Promise made. Promise kept. Trust me when I tell you how empowering and uplifting it can be to know that you can count on you!

Here are some examples:

  1. Try a new recipe that looks a bit tricky.
  2. Email a mentor or colleague to express gratitude.
  3. Speak up in a group discussion or meeting.
  4. Explore a local class or event you’ve been curious about.
  5. Set boundaries in a relationship or say “no” when it feels right.
Crushing January, One Step at a Time

Fear can be the spark that ignites your energy and ambition. Treat fear as a gift—one that nudges you toward growth—and you’ll discover a new way to approach the year ahead, and maybe even, happily, the rest of your life.

Are you ready? Ready, Set, Go?  Visit my website at madelaineweiss.com for more inspiration and resources to help you embrace your boldest, brightest self—or, to talk with me directly, click HERE.

Lots of Love for the New Year,
