by Madelaine Weiss | Sep 10, 2022 | Attention, Happiness, Leadership, Success
What is Phubbing? Phubbing is paying attention to our phone instead of the people we are with. And, it really does sound like just about everybody is doing it. What’s more interesting, though, is that people tend to think it’s bad when other people do it, not so...
by Madelaine Weiss | Sep 4, 2022 | Decisions, Happiness, Leadership, Life, Stress, Success
September is Self-Improvement Month. Really? Says who? And why? Why isn’t it January? What Makes National Days National Day Calendar is responsible for a lot of these national days, charging somewhere between $2,300 – $4,000 to approve a new day. But the...
by Madelaine Weiss | Aug 27, 2022 | Decisions, Emotion, Leadership, Mind Mastery, Stress, Success, Talking
Speaking Truth to Power “Speaking truth to power is to express our opinions frankly and openly to people who have some form of power over us,” this definition from thought leader, David Gurteen. The concept of Speaking Truth to Power goes as least as far back as the...
by Madelaine Weiss | Aug 21, 2022 | Emotion, Happiness, Success, Time
What is Procrastination? Procrastination is “to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.” On average, people spend 2 hours and 25 minutes/day procrastinating, much of it fooling around on the internet, even though 94% say it is adversely...
by Madelaine Weiss | Aug 14, 2022 | Attention, Decisions, Happiness, Leadership, Mind Mastery, Stress
Adverse Impact of Overthinking Too many people practically brag, “Oh, I just overthink everything,” with little to no idea how toxic and degrading overthinking can be to themselves and others. A new study found: …when intense cognitive work is prolonged for several...
by Madelaine Weiss | Aug 6, 2022 | Crisis, Decisions, Leadership, Stress
How Stressed Are We? A 2022 APA poll found that almost 90% of American adults feel “like there has been a constant stream of crises without a break over the last two years…now reaching unprecedented levels of stress that will challenge our ability to cope.” But not...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 30, 2022 | Crisis, Leadership, Mind Mastery, Success
“Do the Best Performers Really Give the Best Advice?” And the answer from this new study was basically, ‘No, they do not’. Top performers gave more advice, but not better advice, likely because performing and advising are two different things. Every day, more and more...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 22, 2022 | Crisis, Decisions, Emotion, Life, Stress
The Art of Apology When You—Think—You’ve Done Nothing Wrong, I Should Say. Just this week, someone (we’ll call him Dave) asked if we could discuss his apology to a family he believes he infected with Covid on a weekend visit with them at their home. He said, of...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 17, 2022 | Decisions, Eating, Sleeping, Stress, Work
The Stress Situation. Sounds simple. Eat well. Sleep well. Most of us know this. Many don’t do this—and then complain about being stressed. Not everyone is complaining about stress. CNN’s Harry Enten reported on 7/16/22 that, although 77% of respondents think the...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 10, 2022 | Fitness, Mind Mastery, Stress, Success
Who is This Immersive Virtual Reality For? No, it is not to help the lazy get the gain without the pain. What is exciting here is the potential for Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) to help heart and neurological patients, or patients hospitalized or compromised...
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