by Madelaine Weiss | Sep 10, 2023 | Crisis, Happiness, Life, Mind Mastery, Stress, Well-Being, Work
Why Are We So Rude? “I couldn’t resist. You understand. I just couldn’t help myself.” That’s how one woman explained her rudeness as she closed a door in my face just for fun. Actually, I didn’t understand, any more than some of my clients this week understood why...
by Madelaine Weiss | Sep 2, 2023 | Decisions, Fitness, Happiness, Leadership, Mind Mastery, Sleeping, Stress, Success, Well-Being
Why Should You Make A New Habit? Here’s why: September is Self-Improvement Month, and making new habits is a really great way to improve yourself and your life. Maybe you thought you had ‘til January 1st to upgrade yourself and your life. But the National...
by Madelaine Weiss | Aug 27, 2023 | Crisis, Emotion, Happiness, Life, Mind Mastery, Success, Talking, Well-Being
What are The Stats on Political Polarization? In Social Science and Medicine, Northeastern University researchers report: Participants reporting increase in polarization had 52-57% higher odds of developing depressive disorders and anxiety disorders. Participants...
by Madelaine Weiss | Aug 20, 2023 | Attention, Emotion, Stress, Talking, Well-Being
Why We Talk? Recently I lost a friend. Actually, he was he was a friend of a friend’s son, and I had not even met him, not even by zoom. Email only. But I cherished Josh (not his real name) because he was of a different political persuasion than almost everyone I...
by Madelaine Weiss | Aug 7, 2023 | Attention, Happiness, Life, Mind Mastery, Stress, Success, Uncategorized
by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 31, 2023 | Emotion, Happiness, Mind Mastery, Stress, Success
What is Happiness? Happiness is something that happens in the brain involving the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, anterior cingulated cortex, and insular cortex, and neurotransmitters such as endorphin, dopamine, serotonin, nor-epinephrine, and melatonin....
by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 20, 2023 | Decisions, Leadership, Life, Stress, Success, Well-Being, Work
What Does Being Smart Have To Do With Longevity? Researchers found a link between cognitive ability and survival in gray mouse lemurs. I know, we are not lemurs, but there is research on this that applies to us too: Among the thousands of people studied, those in the...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 16, 2023 | Happiness, Leadership, Stress, Success, Uncategorized, Well-Being
Question: Why is Resistance to Change So Strong? Answer: Because resistance to change helped us to survive and to thrive so well that it is hardwired into our brains, as follows: Survival Instincts: Humans evolved to prioritize safety and security. Change can bring...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 10, 2023 | Decisions, Fitness, Happiness, Leadership, Life, Play, Stress, Well-Being
Who Is More Likely to Spend > 1 Hour/Day Outdoors? Americans typically spend ~ 5 hours/week playing outdoors (e.g., exercising, sports, taking a walk or a swim…) Boomers are the most likely to spend more than an hour/day outdoors (41%) contrasted with Gen X’ers...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 1, 2023 | Uncategorized
As the 4th of July approaches, wishing you joy, peace, and an appreciation for our precious freedoms. Warmly, Madelaine
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