by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 10, 2023 | Decisions, Fitness, Happiness, Leadership, Life, Play, Stress, Well-Being
Who Is More Likely to Spend > 1 Hour/Day Outdoors? Americans typically spend ~ 5 hours/week playing outdoors (e.g., exercising, sports, taking a walk or a swim…) Boomers are the most likely to spend more than an hour/day outdoors (41%) contrasted with Gen X’ers...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 1, 2023 | Uncategorized
As the 4th of July approaches, wishing you joy, peace, and an appreciation for our precious freedoms. Warmly, Madelaine
by Madelaine Weiss | Jun 26, 2023 | Fitness, Sleeping, Stress, Success, Well-Being, Work
Why Nap? Science Daily reported on a study that found regular daytime napping to slow down the brain shrinkage that can happen as we age — “equivalent to 2.6 to 6.5 years of ageing.” That sounds like a very good thing and is only one of a long list of benefits. The...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jun 17, 2023 | Decisions, Eating, Fitness, Happiness, Life, Love, Stress, Success, Talking
When is Social Support Not Constructive? I thought I knew it because I felt it, but now the science affirms it: Sometimes social support can be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I even called someone on it once and they thought I was nuts. But here it is, on weight loss as...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jun 12, 2023 | Attention, Decisions, Emotion, Mind Mastery, Stress, Success
My Amazing Mistake I just made an amazing mistake—in an art museum. The docent asked us to think about what in our own experience draws us to any one of the three pieces she specified. I was already captivated by the one to the right of those three and said, “That one...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jun 5, 2023 | Attention, Stress, Success, Talking, Time, Well-Being, Work
What About Information? Information is everywhere: ∼6 × 1080 bits of information in the observable universe. That would be 6 times 71 million zeroes bits, if you can fathom that. Out of this, the senses pluck and send 11,000,000 bits per second to the brain. And,...
by Madelaine Weiss | May 27, 2023 | Emotion, Happiness, Life, Stress, Success, Well-Being, Work
Are We Happy? How are our minds and our moods? To this question, one new study found that 62.3% of workers, men more than women, are saying they are happier than ever on the job. Great to hear, given how much of people’s lives are devoted to work. But a lot of people...
by Madelaine Weiss | May 20, 2023 | Decisions, Emotion, Happiness, Life, Love, Stress, Success, Well-Being, Work
Work and Life Quitting More than 47 million people quit their jobs during the great resignation of 2021, and this 23% of the workforce grew by another 38 million in 2022. Since we are talking about work and life, for the latter, let’s look at divorce rates. Although...
by Madelaine Weiss | May 7, 2023 | Emotion, Happiness, Leadership, Stress, Well-Being
Human Kindness In this study, small acts of kindness happened every 2 minutes, 79% said yes to requests for help and, on the rare occasion that a request for help was denied, there was more often than not an explanation to go with it. To support this finding, this...
by Madelaine Weiss | Apr 30, 2023 | Uncategorized
Platinum Rule Versus Golden Rule A great talk last week at the Harvard-McLean Institute of Coaching Annual Conference reminded me of The Platinum Rule. The Platinum Rule is superior to The Golden Rule, but harder to implement. As you likely know, The Golden Rule is...
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