by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 22, 2022 | Crisis, Decisions, Emotion, Life, Stress
The Art of Apology When You—Think—You’ve Done Nothing Wrong, I Should Say. Just this week, someone (we’ll call him Dave) asked if we could discuss his apology to a family he believes he infected with Covid on a weekend visit with them at their home. He said, of...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 17, 2022 | Decisions, Eating, Sleeping, Stress, Work
The Stress Situation. Sounds simple. Eat well. Sleep well. Most of us know this. Many don’t do this—and then complain about being stressed. Not everyone is complaining about stress. CNN’s Harry Enten reported on 7/16/22 that, although 77% of respondents think the...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jul 10, 2022 | Fitness, Mind Mastery, Stress, Success
Who is This Immersive Virtual Reality For? No, it is not to help the lazy get the gain without the pain. What is exciting here is the potential for Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) to help heart and neurological patients, or patients hospitalized or compromised...
by Madelaine Weiss | Jun 4, 2022 | Attention, Emotion, Leadership, Mind Mastery, Stress, Success
Fear is universal, meaning that we all have it, even if some of what scares us might not scare someone else. Common human fears include: open spaces, closed spaces, heights, flying, insects, snakes, storms, needles, dogs—and, yes, fear of other people (“the most...
by Madelaine Weiss | May 30, 2022 | Decisions, Happiness, Leadership, Mind Mastery, Narcissism, Stress, Success
No, I do not mean that your potential is your problem. I do mean that a promise you have made to yourself—a promise you may not even be aware that you have made that actually limits your potential—can be exactly your problem. What Is a Promise? From Merriam-Webster: A...
by Madelaine Weiss | May 23, 2022 | Decisions, Eating, Emotion, Life, Narcissism, Storytelling Animal, Stress
Lying About Eating How funny, I thought. LOL. Everyone lying about eating. And refreshing too, just to keep it light for a change—if you will pardon the pun, because this study is about eating and weight. Or is it? On second thought, maybe this study is really about...
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