by Madelaine Weiss | Dec 20, 2021 | Decisions, Emotion, Mind Mastery, Stress, Success
Decisions Require Emotions If you are one the many who think that decision-making should not be emotional, think again. Beginning with the Psych 101 study of Phineas Gage’s brain, study after study has since shown that—injury to the part of the brain that integrates...
by Madelaine Weiss | Nov 29, 2021 | Crisis, Decisions, Happiness, Leadership, Mind Mastery, Stress, Success
Big Decisions on Steroids What used to be just for mid-lifers is now available to everyone—the chronic, if not crippling, weight of decisions about which way to turn in our lives. The great pause of the pandemic gave us all the time and space to do this. People began...
by Madelaine Weiss | Nov 20, 2021 | Attention, Life, Mind Mastery, Stress, Success
Too Much Information Attention is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves and each other. But, of course, we cannot pay attention to ourselves and everyone else in the world all at the same time. In fact, science says that, since our “information speed...
by Madelaine Weiss | Nov 15, 2021 | Fitness, Life, Stress, Success
What’s Wrong With Sitting It’s not just mental health. There’s a really long list of physical problems associated with sitting too much: Large leg and butt muscle weakening, can result in more falls and strains Bowel dysfunction Weight gain and metabolic syndrome Back...
by Madelaine Weiss | Nov 1, 2021 | Emotion, Mind Mastery, Narcissism, Stress, Success
What is Impostor Syndrome? Impostor Syndrome is the idea that you got where you are by luck and it is only a matter of time before everyone finds out that you’re a fraud. Oversimplified for sure, but I do notice something like this a lot in my work. Even though these...
by Madelaine Weiss | Oct 25, 2021 | Decisions, Mind Mastery, Stress
Why So Many Startups? Startups? Well, a lot of people are leaving their jobs: 4.3 million in August, 3% of the workforce. “The Great Resignation.” There is much debate on why people don’t want the jobs they used to have, but here’s what I am seeing. Think...
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